Pediatric Hydrocele
Key Points About Hydrocele in Children
- A hydrocele is fluid buildup in the thin pouch that holds the testes in the scrotum.
- Up to 1 in 10 baby boys have a hydrocele at birth. In most cases, it goes away without treatment within the first year.
- There are two types of hydrocele:
- A communicating hydrocele or hernia lasts longer than 12 to 18 months and requires surgery to repair.
- A noncommunicating hydrocele may be present at birth. It often goes away on its own with no treatment within one year. Sometimes noncommunicating hydrocele remains large which makes it difficult to feel the testis. When this occurs, surgery is offered to remove the hydrocele.
- Symptoms can include a lump or swelling that is smooth and not painful, or a scrotum that changes size.
- After it goes away or is treated, long-term problems are rare.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a hydrocele?
What causes a hydrocele?
What are the symptoms of a hydrocele?
How is a hydrocele diagnosed?
How is a hydrocele treated?
What are possible complications of a hydrocele?
When should I call my child’s healthcare provider?
Urology Treatment at Children's National Hospital
The Division of Urology at Children's National Hospital offers expert care and advanced diagnostic testing in a family-centered environment. Discover more about the treatment we offer.
Providers Who Treat Hydrocele
- Aasha's Rare Gift Will Help Other Babies Grow up Healthy
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Departments that Treat Hydrocele
At Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C., our pediatric urologists provide comprehensive care for disorders affecting reproductive and urinary organs.