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girl with therapy dog

Make a Difference

girl with therapy dog

Why We Need You

Giving back and supporting Children’s National Hospital comes in many different forms.
Whether you’re volunteering with patients, donating blood or giving back with financial contributions,
you’re making an enormous difference to our patients and families.

Become a Volunteer

Children volunteering to drop off packages

Patient Care Volunteer Program

Playing games with patients, delivering toys and offering breaks to tired parents are just a few of the activities that our volunteers get to perform.

father and son participating in race

October 21, 2023

Race for Every Child 5K

Walk or run a 5K for Children's National Hospital. The Race for Every Child unites our community around a common goal to help children grow up stronger.


Maddox's Story: A Fresh Start With Love and the Right Care

Photo of Maddox and his family
Read Maddox's StoryRead more patient stories

Donation Opportunities

A baby girl holding a rattle

Donations are a vital part of what we do in Volunteer Services. Children's National Hospital accepts brand new toys, books, games, clothing and gift cards for Dr. Bear's Closet.

woman donates blood

Donate to the Blood Donor Center

The need for blood donations remains high. Learn more about why blood donations are essential,if you are eligible, and how you can schedule an appointment.

Patient and mother in waiting room

Join the Patient and Family Advisory Council

Partnering with staff throughout Children's National, our council works to ensure that children and their families receive the best care possible.

Patient and mother in waiting room

We do it all for the children and for our community


Tiny Stents and Big Adventures: Hybrid Surgery Gives Cayden's Heart a Chance

Read Cayden's Story

Give Now

Donations of all sizes go directly to the lifesaving treatments, research, and care at Children's National. Give now to help our patients grow up stronger.