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Pediatric Allogeneic Blood and Marrow Transplantation Program

When your child needs a blood or marrow transplant (BMT), deciding where to send him or her for care is one of the most important decisions you’ll make.

The Allogeneic BMT Program at Children’s National Hospital is where patients in need of highly-specialized BMT therapy can expect compassionate care and innovative treatment from our specially-trained team.

Contact Information

For appointments, please call 1-888-884-BEAR (2327) and for information, call 202-476-5456.

Stem Cell Transplant Timeline

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Blood and Marrow Transplant, please call us at 202-476-5456. For existing patients regarding clinical concerns during the hours of 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, please call 202-476-4267.

An Expert Care Team with More Than 25 Years of Experience 

Allogeneic BMT1 is a procedure in which your child receives blood stem cells from a genetically-similar – but not identical – donor.

On average, our team performs more than 30 allogeneic BMT procedures each year. The high volume of patients we see and the expertise of our specialists means you can feel confident that your child is in good hands. We have significant experience performing transplants using a variety of stem cell sources, including matched unrelated donor, mismatched unrelated donor, haploidentical donor and cord blood. Furthermore, we specialize in addressing complications of transplant, including graft-versus-host disease2< (GVHD) and infection.

Conditions We Treat with Allogeneic BMT

We provide advanced treatment for patients with cancer, blood diseases and immune system disorders, including:

What to Expect During Treatment

At Children’s National, our team will provide you with the resources and support you and your child will need throughout the transplant process. We’ve created a step-by-step guide to give you an in-depth look at the transplant process: from diagnosis to treatment to long-term care.

View the stem cell transplant timeline.

Groundbreaking Research and Clinical Trials

Through participationin the nation's leading allogeneic BMT research, our experts bring innovative treatments to your child as quickly and safely as possible. Patients have access to cutting-edge treatments through several clinical trials with the Center for International Blood and Transplant Registry (CIBMTR), the Pediatric Blood and Marrow Transplant Consortium (PBMTC) and the National Marrow Donor Program Clinical Trials Network (NMDP CTN).

Glossary of Terms

1 Allogeneic Transplant: A transplant using a tissue matched or partially matched to a related or unrelated donor

2 Graft-Versus-Host Disease: A condition in which the donor’s transplanted marrow or stem cells react against the patient’s tissues. It is referred to as GVHD and most often affects the skin, gastrointestinal tract and/or liver.

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